Trainers of Pokemon Go have been quite critical of Niantic, and its most recent blog post after the in-person Elite Raid event for Regidrago has been fraught with problems. Trainers of Pokémon Go have also been very critical of the event itself.
Players of Pokemon Go have had a contentious relationship with the game’s Elite Raids ever since they were first implemented. The first Hoopa Unbound Elite Raid had several flaws that required fixing before completing it successfully. Difficulties and troubles have hindered Regidrago’s Elite Raid event, which started on March 11, 2023, and even prevented some people from attending the raid. This is, unfortunately, the case.
Fans have taken to various forms of social media to express their dissatisfaction with the current status of Regidrago’s Elite Raids and the developer Niantic due to the irony present in Niantic’s most recent blog post. This is because the irony was present in Niantic’s most recent blog post.
Pokemon Go fans slam Regidrago Elite Raid event
The Pokemon Go subreddit has been inundated with posts from users expressing their displeasure with the occurrence, and members of the Pokemon Go community have shared these posts on various social media platforms.
Many players simply published screenshots of issues connected to the raids, such as their incapacity to join raid groups. Others have said that they could join an attack but were kicked out of it almost shortly and that the Pokémon Go app completely crashed on them after that.
Fans have been posting screenshots and videos illustrating various bugs and errors; some have even directed their displeasure at Niantic itself. Posts with titles like “Niantic doesn’t care about players” and “Niantic is a joke” have flooded the Niantic subreddit recently.
Others have pointed out the hypocrisy of Niantic’s blog post from March 10, in which the company reaffirmed its commitment to concentrating on in-person content, followed by an in-person-only event that is unfinished and subject to technical difficulties. Others have pointed out the hypocrisy of Niantic’s March 10 blog post.
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