Wizards of the Coast Announce New OGL Draft Launch Date in Response to Fan Criticism

Wizards of the Coast, the company that owns Dungeons and Dragons, has announced plans to produce a new OGL draft, giving fans the chance to directly comment on its content before it is completely published, as well as a clear apology for its previous OGL.

Wizards of the Coast has published their “working conversation about the Open Game License,” which outlines a new strategy, an apology, and the release date of their revised OGL draft. This comes after weeks of fan indignation, widespread unsubscriptions, and intense backlash.

Fans soon objected to the original, leaked OGL 1.1, which made considerable changes to Dungeons and Dragons by pushing additional copyright laws, royalties, and general restrictions. After that, WoTC clarified that the draft that was leaked was simply a draft and apologized. They also said they had learned from their mistakes and will soon release an updated OGL 1.1 with a focus on transparency and community feedback.

The release date for such a draft and a survey for community feedback have both been disclosed by Wizards of The Coast in a statement from the Executive Producer.

New D&D OGL Draft Release Date Announced

Wizards of The Coast have revealed the launch date for their new Dungeons and Dragons Open Game License via DnD Beyond and Dungeons & Dragons Twitter. The working discussion will be made public “On or before Friday, January 20th” and will include a comprehensive suggested document as well as a brief survey that the community may fill out so that WoTC can receive any comments.

Companies and fans will have two weeks to complete the survey and thoroughly comprehend the revised 1.1 OGL before agreeing to its terms.

Many players have given the message positive feedback; one even said they were “looking forward to the publishing of [the] revised working draft” after commenting that the apologies and efforts toward improvement “sound a lot better.”

Others praised the business for its “transparency and openness to input,” examining how quickly WoTC worked to address the contentious OGL 1.1. Some supporters, however, are still unconvinced and contend that the apology and remarks were “a Trojan Horse,” highlighting the continued mistrust among fans.

In the end, the Dungeons and Dragons community and fans will be the ones to read and comment on the revised OGL when it is made public. It is yet unclear whether this will lead to additional turmoil or provide a solution to the problems involving Dungeons and Dragons in 2023.

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