Apex Legends Victory: A Father’s Joyous Reliving of his Battle Royale Win
A video of a father watching his victory in Apex Legends with enthusiasm has improved many people’s days.
The video uploaded to Twitter shows a father reliving his victory in Apex Legends by taking out opponents with a sniper rifle has received a large number of likes.
A win in any game is lovely, but a victory in a battle royale match, which may continue for a significant amount of time and sometimes involves a lot of sweating, is hugely thrilling. But there’s something about seeing people of a more mature generation compete and prevail in those kinds of events that seems right.
A father’s video reliving his victory in Apex Legends has gone viral
GUARD Hunter shared the video on Twitter, demonstrating a video of a father watching back his victory in Apex legends and being as delighted when he played it. The video displays the final play of the match, in which the silver fox competes against a three-person team by himself.
The Twitter user said the player’s delight was “one of the best things I’ve seen in a long.” When one watches the video, the reason why is apparent. The enemy snipers promptly picked off the defenders one by one as they slid down the hill, despite the opposition holding the high ground. The man let out a cocky cheer of triumph after each kill he accomplished.
The final foe was vanquished, and the victory was inevitable when the time-honored custom of shooting the bodies of one’s defeated enemies as the winning title appeared brought the matter to a conclusion.
Several others commented on how much they liked seeing the film, and one said, “Solo clutch went berserk.” A user laughed and added, “He has an aimbot for sure,” referring to the other player. Someone once wrote, “Watching older people become passionate about video games will always have a particular place in my heart.” Even while Apex Legends and other multiplayer games have a problem with nasty players regularly, messages like this show the community at its most joyous.
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