Apex Legends Pro Max-Strafe Benched Due to Ukrainian Travel Restrictions
Maksym ‘Max-Strafe,’ a professional player of Apex Legends Stadniuk, was kicked off the Pioneers team because the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine rendered him unable to leave the country and participate in the team’s activities. At this time, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been going on for more than a year and has had an effect on a variety of esports, as players from both nations attempt to compete online or go to international competitions.
Due to the fact that Max-Strafe has been unable to leave his nation for some time now, he was unable to participate in the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs or the ALGS 2022 Championship. In each of those situations, he was ultimately replaced by a player on the bench. After a good year playing with GMT Esports, he joined Pioneers in September 2022 with the expectation that he would be able to continue traveling and competing simultaneously. On the other hand, this is not the case.
Apex Legends pro was canceled since the team was unable to leave Ukraine
On March 3, 2019, Pioneers announced a change to their Apex Legends squad. The team recruited Zaine “Zaine” Kazi from JLINGZ Esports and let the veteran player Max-Strafe go. He is going to remain on the Pioneers roster in the capacity of a replacement.
Following the announcement made by Pioneers, Max-Strafe issued his own statement on Twitter, explaining that he was kicked off the team because he was unable to leave his home country of Ukraine because of the current conflict with Russia. He said that this was the reason for his release. The Apex Legends player could only travel some of the way from Ukraine to London to compete in the most recent LAN event, the ALGS Split 1 Playoffs. Because of issues with their visas, a number of players and a whole team could not compete in the same competition.
“I couldn’t manage to find solutions and permission to leave the nation for LANs (upcoming as well) due to the Russian invasion,” Max-Strafe said, explaining why he is no longer a squad member. “That is the only reason I am not on the team anymore.”
Because Max-Strafe is unable to compete, he will no longer have to go up against players like Matthew “SirDel” Biggins and Casper “Gnaske” Praestensgaard. This comes as a double setback for Max-Strafe. The three had a long history together, dating back to the year 2020 when they played on GnaskeStrafeDel.
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