Warzone 2 Players Frustrated by Constant Rotation of Game Modes

Players of Warzone 2 are “mindblown” by the developers’ repeated removal of several game options from the well-liked battle royale. Many different game modes have come and gone since Warzone 2’s introduction in late 2022 as the Infinity Ward developers work to keep the game interesting.

Ashika Island, which gives players a more minor and closer-quarters combat, marked the beginning of the Resurgence mode thus far. More recently, Season 4’s release of Vondel added a new medium-sized map to the game. Players are criticizing the decision of the creators to continuously rotate game modes rather than making them all available at once, but they are not putting the makers on blast.

Players of Warzone 2 are angry at the removal of a gaming mode

Warzone 2 players ‘kris9512’ lambasted the developers in a discussion on Reddit on July 1 for often rotating the prominent solos, duos, trios, and quads game modes in favor of other temporary variants.

They yelled, “It positively boils my p***.” Why doesn’t standard BR always have solos, duos, trios, and quads by default and then cycle all the gimmicky bullsh*t modes around them? Nobody f***ing wants Mini BR solos, they continued. Lord God Almighty. Do they desire a constant number of active players? Others in the thread hypothesized that the server capacity was why the developers rotated game modes, even though there is no obvious explanation. “I wonder whether there’s a connection to the server load. Their servers can’t possibly support having every option available, one remarked.

“They would support that many game modes if there was even a remote chance they could. Another person said, “They don’t have the player base. Others said it is suitable for players to play a different video game when their preferred option isn’t available. “I completely understand your irritation, but look at it positively. Use the opportunity to take a break from the game and play something else or do something else if the game doesn’t feature your chosen playlist. It will be fantastic for your mental health.

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