Stalling in the Snow: ODH’s Dominance with Mei on Overwatch 2’s Push Map Raises Eyebrows

The opponents of a Korean Overwatch 2 squad were taken aback when the team used Mei to their advantage to contest the objective through a Push map on New Queen Street. Team Xero faced off against ODH in the grand finals of the Korean Open Division in a match that was decided very quickly, 3-1; nevertheless, ODH’s dominance on the New Queen Street map of Overwatch 2 had people talking.

Mei’s ability to stall on the Push map by utilizing both Ice Wall and Ice Block while the robot is close to a doorway or window makes her an exceptionally potent player. This gives Mei a significant advantage over other players. The eventual result was that ODH effectively used this throughout the game to ensure that Xero’s control of the objectives stayed the same.

The Overwatch team abuses Mei to stall the Push map

You can watch how ODH played just far away from the Push robot to contest the objective without putting themselves in harm’s way in a video shared to Reddit and showcased the highlights of the Mei wall stall dominance. The video can be found here. Even though Xero was in charge of the robot for several minutes, ODH was able to stop them from making any progress and eventually built up enough ultimates to wipe out their opponents completely.

Even if Xero can prevail in a battle, by the time they do, ODH has already established itself in yet another cunning position to stall the Push robot by using windows and other spots that count for fighting. To make matters even more infuriating, as the clock began to tick down on the match, Xero discovered that they needed to be more aggressive to dislodge ODH from their stalling positions, which only made them susceptible.

It is still being determined whether Blizzard will make any changes to the way in which teams can compete for the objective; however, if ODH can retain its supremacy even though this approach has been moved up to Contenders, the developers may be forced to make a change. To pass the time till then, you should fully use this strategy. If you can successfully cooperate with your squad against opponents not anticipating being left stalled in the snow in Toronto, you may even rank up a bit.

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