Controversy Surrounding Aim Assist in Warzone 2: Should It Be Nerfed to Close the Skill Gap?
Aim assist in Warzone 2 has to be toned down since it is “too strong,” according to Warzone 2 specialist JGOD, but he doesn’t expect Infinity Ward to agree. The Warzone community has long been divided on the issue of aim assistance. It’s a gaming element intended to make using a controller easier, but some players, even pros, think it needs to be more potent.
Although this type of aim assistance isn’t the only one, it often works by slowing the user’s aim when they approach close to a target. Rotational aim aid is another mechanic included in more recent Call of Duty games that helps you track enemy movement to some extent if the left analog stick is moved in any direction.
JGOD wants Warzone 2’s aim assist nerfed in order to close the skill gap.
JGOD has requested the Warzone 2 developers to consider aim help, but he is still waiting for changes. The Warzone 2 specialist put a remark on a video analysis demonstrating how Call of Duty’s aim help functions. When asked whether Infinity Ward will weaken aim assist, JGOD responded, “Aim Assist is a little too strong and doesn’t require much skill, so the devs won’t nerf it, but they should.”
Timestamp 9:27
Aim assist in Warzone 2 is currently in a difficult position, and many comments agreed with JGOD. As one user responded, “This video isn’t only for MnKB gamers to be concerned about. If you play the controller well, you should also be surprised by this! Such AA dramatically reduces the skill gap.
With regard to aim to assist, a mouse and keyboard player commented: “As a mouse player, this is precisely why I steer clear of close-quarter combat as much as possible. I have no problem with controllers receiving some aim assistance; nevertheless, those who deny it have convinced themselves that pure skill is required.
Call of Duty is frequently considered a console game, and players nearly always use a controller. According to Patrick Kelly, co-studio head of Infinity Ward, the enhancements to aim assist have benefited controller gamers but put the typical mouse player “at a statistical disadvantage.”
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