Apex Legends Professional Player Accuses Colleagues of Abusing Adderall for Competitive Edge
Philip “ImperialHal” Dosen, a renowned player for TSM, has accused fellow Apex Legends professionals of abusing Adderall to obtain an advantage during LAN competitions. Regarding the s-tier events like ALGS playoffs, competitive Apex Legends environment with a significant amount of money on the line.
The recently concluded ALGS Split 1 Playoff resulted in TSM taking home the first-place prize of $250,000, making them the first organization to win more than a million dollars in Apex and elevating Hal to the position of the highest-earning player in terms of prize money. Hal was also the top-earning player overall.
Because so many professionals have the goal of winning, many are willing to break the laws to obtain a competitive edge in any way possible. ImperialHal, a member of Team SoloMid, has accused certain professionals in the esports field of misusing Adderall and stated that they would be “dogs**t” if they did not utilize the substance.
ImperialHal criticizes other Apex professionals for their use of Adderall
A physician can prescribe Adderall to manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But competitive gamers in various esports titles use it as a performance-enhancing medication to boost their alertness and overall attention. This practice has been going on for many years.
As a result of his victory in London, ImperialHal decided to state Adderall, in which he claimed that certain Apex professionals would be “dogs**t” if they could not use the drug. Although Hal refrained from providing any specifics, his statements give the impression that he is becoming increasingly concerned about how it is utilized in the professional Apex scene.
“There are a lot of guys who, if they didn’t use Adderall, would be f**king dogsh*t at the game,” the commentator said. “There are a lot of players who, if they didn’t use Adderall, they would be f
Adderall use is likely not for Apex Legends, as professionals from other games, such as CS:GO, Overwatch, and Call of Duty, have spoken about how frequently they use the substance. In 2018, the Esports Integrity Commission issued a call to action to event organizers, requesting that they conduct testing to enforce its anti-doping policies more strictly.
It will be interesting to see if Electronic Arts decided to test gamers in the future. Still, given that some people take the substance as part of their treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it can be challenging to implement a total prohibition.
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