Username Change Simple Guide Available Now on TikTok

To quickly change your username on TikTok, follow this step-by-step guide, change your brand, and personalize its presence on this platform.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your TikTok Username

TikTok has quickly become one of the premier platforms for people to voice their opinions and connect with other users online. Over time, your preferences might shift, so it might make sense to alter your username to reflect these shifts accurately – this step-by-step guide is here to make this change easy!

How To Change Your TikTok Username 2022

Steps for Changing Your Username on TikTok

  • Step 1: To begin the process of changing your username on TikTok, first, open up its app on either a tablet or smartphone device and log in as usual into the account that requires changing its username.
  • Step 2: Access Your Profile Once you’ve launched the app, head to your account by pressing “Me” at the lower-right part of the screen.
  • Step 3: Edit Your Profile. To update or alter your profile page, navigate to your account page and locate the “Edit profile” button under your bio and photo. Clicking this will allow you to make any necessary edits to your information or change any outdated details about yourself.
  • Step 4: Change Your Username. To change your username under the Edit profile menu, tap on its current value. This will open a window where you can enter any desired usernames – ensuring they adhere to TikTok guidelines while remaining unique and complying with their usage restrictions.
  • Step 5: Save Your Changes. Once you have entered a new username, press the “Save” button in the upper-right-hand corner. This will apply to your TikTok profile and change its login details accordingly.

TikTok allows its users to change their username every 30 days; keep this in mind when choosing your new one. Choose a username that reflects who you are or your interests.

Be mindful when creating your new TikTok account by adhering to its guidelines when choosing its name. Any username violating TikTok’s terms of service – for instance, one promoting negative behaviors – could result in account suspension or cancellation.

Switching your username is an effortless way to update your web presence and project a more professional image. Follow this step-by-step guide and alter your TikTok username while continuing your account usage with an entirely different look!

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