Pokemon Go Players Demand Fix for ‘Immortal Raid’ Glitch: Niantic Under Pressure to Address the Issue

Players of Pokemon Go are reporting that particular Pokemon can survive to Raid battles with only one health point, and they have contacted Niantic to request that the issue be fixed. The developer of Pokemon Go, Niantic, has begun making a determined effort to give better information to users despite the turbulent period during the first half of 2023.

Niantic has been swift to acknowledge and even compensate those players who were severely affected by these problems. This is even though trainers have continued to encounter many bugs and flaws in the video game. Now, players of Pokemon Go are once again being affected by what the community has termed ‘Immortal Raids,’ and they have demanded that Niantic create an official remedy for the glitch in the game.

Players of Pokemon Go who are experiencing issues with the ‘Immortal Raid’ bug

The official support account for Niantic responded to a player on Twitter when the gamer supplied evidence that they could not finish an Espeon raid due to a glitch in the game. Niantic Support admitted that the team has “been receiving similar reports during raids,” they merely requested that the trainer restart the app and re-join the raid, assuming it was still going on.

According to a post on the TheSilphRoad subreddit, this did not go over well with some of the community’s participants. A significant number of gamers confirmed in the post’s comments section that this bug had also affected them. Others demanded that Niantic provide a specific patch for the issue, with one user saying to Niantic, “Dear Niantic, I’ll wait to spend money on anything until you confirm this is fixed, OK?” Although other trainers mentioned that the glitch had been “around for ages” and that there was a “workaround,” some fans were dissatisfied with the answer even though there was a “workaround.”

“Restarting is not a fix; rather, it is a workaround that has been proven unsuccessful for remotes on multiple occasions and does not work once the raid has concluded.” Even if there is a solution that can be used to reduce the amount of money lost due to the problem, it is still very annoying when it happens while you’re playing the game. Niantic will keep up its recent pattern of providing clear notice and will also work to create a dedicated patch for this bug.

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