ImperialHal believes Apex Legends pros should “deal with” server problems rather than delaying games
TSM star Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen believes professional Apex Legends players should “deal with” the server problems hamper ALGS play rather than postpone or delay games. Dosen is of the opinion that it makes no sense to postpone or delay games.
Because so many Apex Legends Arena League of Legends Series matches are played online, Apex Legends professionals have long been aware of the potential for server failures to cause problems in-game. These concerns have been realized during the past several days as a result of crashes and lag that have forced teams to abandon high-kill battles and knocked them out of advantageous positions on the map.
As a direct consequence, numerous experts have voiced their disapproval of the current circumstances. Some people have referred to the scene as a “joke,” while others have suggested that it be put on hold until Respawn finds a solution to the problem. But ImperialHal is of the opinion that they should immediately begin playing.
Despite crashes, ImperialHal explains why ALGS postponement would be “dumb.”
The TSM star, whose team won the most recent ALGS LAN in London, offered his opinions on the concerns and encouraged players to keep playing during his live on March 20. The amount of collisions in ALGS has reached an all-time high, but Hal added, “I also think that people are exaggerating because they don’t realize the complete picture of them possibly having to delay ALGS in terms of money. This is another reason why people are exaggerating. This is undoubtedly a controversial point of view.
Although dealing with crashes is something that cannot be avoided, it is still possible to do so. There are a great deal more disadvantages associated with having to delay it than only losing money, having organizations withdraw their participation, having to change a venue and the dates of the event, etc.
“That which cannot be changed. This shouldn’t be happening, but I don’t think that people take into account all of the negative impacts of having to delay and postpone it.
Hal urged the other experts he worked with to make use of their common sense, and he added that he believed it would be “stupid” for EA and Respawn to have to rethink their strategy or postpone it. At this moment, neither EA nor Respawn has made any statements on the possibility of a delay; hence, it is still anticipated that matches for Split 2 will start on March 26.
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