Wizards of The Coast Removes “Half-Species” from New D&D Handbook

Due to the “inherent racism” in the Half-Species concept, Wizards of The Coast has recently modified the ever-evolving Dungeons & Dragons game. Although half-species are common in the D&D universe, Wizards has decided that their existing classification is inappropriate for the game’s future.

While various race combinations will still be included in the video game, the future Player’s Handbook will classify them in a more considerate and inclusive way. This modification was previously publicized, but it is currently a hot issue since Rules Designer Jeremy Crawford explained the reasoning behind it at the most recent D&D Summit event.

Since we haven’t been at ease with any of the possibilities that begin with “half,” we’ll be blunt: We simply won’t include the half construction in the new Player’s Handbook because it is essentially prejudiced, he added.

What does WOTC’s redesign of Half-Species in D&D mean?

There are some crucial points to remember when it comes to half-human races like half-elves and half-orcs, but the business still needs to go into great detail about why they made this move, so the precise reasons are still up for debate.

They come with their unique Race sheets in the Player’s Handbook, an important point to remember. These characters with dual genetics offer a different experience for the actors who play them because they are treated as distinct from their parents’ races. For this reason, the Half-Elf is regarded as one of the game’s most robust options. Combining these two races’ racial perks and qualities completely covers all the bases and leaves few openings.

Similarly, Half-Orcs were frequently employed to allow players to benefit from Orcish’s strength and constitution without having to deal with the unfavorable racial traits and social stigmas often attached to the species in earlier campaign settings.

This results from Orcs being predominantly used as ferocious enemies for a large portion of the game’s existence. That changed in 2016 when the suitably called Volo’s Guide to Monsters made their playable characters. They were further developed in the books The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount and Eberron: Rising from the Last War. These mixed-species combinations will continue to be accessible on the WOTC website D&DBeyond and in the 2014 Player’s Handbook for the Fifth Edition.

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